The varieties

Next to the many different colours there are also four varieties of Japanese bantams recognized in the Netherlands with regard to the structure of the feathers. These varieties are by name the normal feathered, the frizzle, the silky and the rumpless. In the graphics here beneath can be seen how the division of these varieties amongst the members of the Chabo Liefhebbers Club approximately is now and before.


The normal feathered variety is most popular in the Dutch Chabo hobby as can be seen in the graphics as well. In the population of Japanese bantams that has been reported in the inquiries concerned the relation between the normal feathered and the frizzle is in the earlier inquiry that of every six animals in these two varieties one is a frizzle, a relation that is reduced by almost half by now. Nevertheless still both varieties together form over 90% of the reported population which, for that matter, represents well the preferences of the Dutch Chabo hobby. The remaining two and the mixed varieties form together than 10% of the reported population, 4.5%  of this are rumpless and an equal percentage are silkies.  The remaining percent is formed by the Okina (bearded Chabo).

All these data signify that the Dutch Chabo (Japanese bantam) hobby mainly is interested in the normal feathered variety and in the large variety of colours.

 'click' here for the special chapter on colours & varieties ...

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